Sport's Day for Swallows

For our war cry we used the tunes of Monster (by EMNEM ft. Rihanna), On Top of the World (by Imagine Dragons),Crazy Kids(by KE$HA) and Wrecking Ball (by Miley Cyrus).

Each year each grade is split into two parts and each half does a fun race Zander, Michaela, Olivia K and  Siphokazi did the Tennis Ball race where we had to jump with a tennis ball between our knees. Tahlia, Mumtaz, Rose and Emily did the Stick and beanbag race where they had to balance a beanbag on their head and at halfway pick up a pole and put it behind their neck. Then we did a sprint race with all the Swallows, then a relay race with the 4 fastest Swallows which were Mumtaz, Olivia K, Zander and Rose and then a race with the three fastest Swallows, Kingfishers and Robins. Running for Swallows we had Olivia K, Mumtaz and Zander.

Swallows is the blue house and we came second for inter-house  cross-country and Spirit and third for Sports day. We were very upset that we did not win the Spirit cup as we thought we would and we usually win it. Sports day was filled with fun, spirit, face paint, enthusiasm and excitement!

By Olivia K, Michaela and Zander

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Your activities sound really fun! I like so much the songs too, I have them on my mp3 player and don't be worried because you've not won ,you will win next year!


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