Sport's Day Report by Kingfishers House

Sports Day for the Kingfishers:

Sports day was a fun filled, energetic and competitive day for all 3 houses, which are Kingfishers, Robins and Swallows. We all cheered for our houses to encourage them to cross the finish line first. We did fun races, sprints and relays races. If you are in Kingfishers you wear green, Swallows wear blue and  Robins wear red. We also made fancy hats to get more points and we paraded them around the field. Kingfishers won the spirit cup because we cheered the loudest and Robins won over all. We all really enjoyed sports day this year!!

From Isabella J, Megan and Tamaryn

1 comment:

  1. You are lucky you have a sports day. Sometimes we have small competitions at school but it is between classes. We do volleyball mainly. Then we also have some students that run in races with other schools but not often. Your sports day looks very colourful.


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